How long are duckbill valves good for?

Duckbill Valve’s lifetime counting on several factors, such as material, the conditions it’s exposed to, the frequency of use, temperature, pressure. So lifetime would be months-years due to different situation.

For example, This is a case of chain saw. There is a duckbill valve on oil tank to fill air to keep tank’s pressure. And usually it is used for 1-2 years to be replaced.  

So duckbill valve contacts with gas, it requires oil resistance by following ASTM standard, with some other test data as following test report.

And it also needs to pass vibration test to avoid slit opening during chain saw’s working, which prevent causing back flow or leakage.

Test Report

Oil Tank Vibration Test

This is one of cases we’ve done, and there are thousands of different cases. Contact us to know more details of duckbill valve, such as flow data, chemical resistant, material report, ect . Our Email [email protected] , Phone/Whatsapp: +86 18359163977. Website: www.rubbervalve.com 

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