When you select mini valves between duckbill & umbrella valves, the biggest differences are fluid type, flow rate, opening pressure setting, back pressure.
1, Fluid type: duckbill valve allows all kinds of fluid, including small particles. Umbrella valve allows gas & liquid type, the small particles will jam on installation place or sealing area, which cause dis-function.
We could understand this point by inner structure by following photos to compare.
Duckbill Valve
Umbrella Valve
2, Flow rate. Based on same diameter, umbrella valve usually has bigger flow rate. We know that duckbill valve’s flow rate depends on its lip size by photo below. And umbrella valve’s flow rate depends on the diameter of flow tunnel, and how many flow tunnels you design.
3, Opening Pressure Setting: duckbill valve’s opening pressure setting and performance is poorer than umbrella valve.
Contact us to know how to design or select a good duckbill valve or umbrella valve, or you want to know about flow data or more details of difference. Contact us by Email [email protected] , Phone/Whatsapp: +86 18359163977.
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